Cuvant despre noi, romanii



Femeile viitorului vor fi mai mici de statura, vor avea mai multe kilograme si vor fi mai fertile, se arata intr-un nou studiu al Universitatii Yale.

Pe masura ce medicina a intervenit in favoarea salvarii vietilor omenesti, s-a presupus ca si selectia naturala a suferit o degradare.

 Un nou studiu al Universitatii Yale pare sa arate ca lucrurile stau altfel. In vreme ce supravietuirea pana la varsta reproducerii nu mai reprezinta o problema pentru Homo sapiens, alte “presiuni” evolutionare, printre care selectia sexuala si functia reproductiva, se desfasoara la capacitate maxima.

Studiul a fost efectuat pe un esantion de 2.238 de femei, care reprezinta trei generatii succesive si inrudite. In urma testelor, s-a aratat ca femeile mai mici de statura cu o greutate medie sau peste medie au sanse mai mari sa poarte mai multi copii, fata de cele inalte si slabe. Mai mult decat atat, aceste trasaturi genetice sunt transmise de catre mame fiicelor lor.

Daca trasaturile sunt reprezentative si vor fi transmise timp de 10 generatii, atunci standardul general al femeii din anul 2409 va fi usor modificat fata de media din prezent. Aceasta va fi – in medie – cu 2 centimetri mai scunda, cu un kilogram mai grasa, va purta primul copil cu cinci luni mai devreme si va intra la menopauza cu 10 luni mai tarziu.

Rezultatele cercetarilor indica faptul ca evolutia umana si-a continuat drumul, iar acesta este primul studiu care reuseste sa compare direct succesul reproductiv al indivizilor cu schimbarile psihologice.

Ascent of man. Human women evolving to be shorter and heavier, says research

 Humanity is still evolving, say Yale University biologists Photo: PA

Sursa: The Telegraph



15/09/2011 Posted by | DIVERTSMENT | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Lasă un comentariu

V-ati intrebat cate stele are Universul? Star count triples to 300 sextillion

New calculations suggest there may be 300 sextillion stars in the universe – three times the previous estimate.

New calculations suggest there may be 300 sextillion stars in the universe – three times the previous estimate. (Fraser Gunn/The Associated Press)

Un nou calcul estimativ realizat de astronomi ridica numarul stelelor existente la o cifra ametitoare: 300 de sextilioane!.

300. de stele cuprinde, cu aproximatie, Universul nostru, au socotit oamenii de stiinta de la Universitatea Yale, SUA; ei au publicat un studiu asupra asa numitelor „pitice rosii” – stele de dimensiuni mici (cam o cincime din marimea Soarelui  nostru) care „ard” lent si au o viata mult mai lunga decat a stelelor mari si stralucitoare, de tipul Soarelui.

Studiind, cu ajutorul telescopului Keck, din Hawaii, opt galaxii indepartate  cu o forma eliptica, diferita fata de cea a galaxiei noastre  (Calea Lacteee), care este o galaxie spirala, cercetatorii au constatat ca aceste galaxii eliptice cuprind mult mai multe stele pitice rosii (de 10-20 de ori mai multe decat se asteptasera, judecand dupa structura galaxiilor spirale), ceea ce i-a obligat sa revada calculele.

Conform noilor estimari, Universul ar cuprinde de trei ori mai multe stele  decat fusese calculat anterior – 300 de sextilioane, in loc de 100 de sextilioane.

Surse: CBC si Descopera .ro

The night sky may be a lot starrier than we thought.

A study suggests the universe could have triple the number of stars scientists previously calculated. The new estimate is 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. That’s 300 sextillion.

The study questions a key assumption that astronomers often use: that most galaxies have the same properties as our Milky Way. And that’s creating a bit of a stink among astronomers who want a more orderly cosmos.

New calculations suggest there may be 300 sextillion stars in the universe – three times the previous estimate. (Fraser Gunn/The Associated Press)

It’s one of two studies being published online Wednesday in the journal Nature that focus on red dwarf stars, the most common stars in the universe. The study that proposes the new estimate on the number of stars is led by Yale University astronomer Pieter van Dokkum. He calculates that there are far more red dwarfs than previously thought, and that inflates the total star count.

A second study led by Harvard University scientist Jacob Bean focuses on a distant „super Earth” planet and reveals clues to the content of its atmosphere — the first of this kind of data for this size planet. It orbits a red dwarf.

Red dwarf stars — about a fifth the size of our sun — burn slowly and last much longer than the bigger, brighter stars, such as the sun in the centre of our solar system, said van Dokkum. His study looks at how many red dwarfs are in elliptical-shaped galaxies.

When scientists had estimated previously how many stars there were in the universe, they assumed that all galaxies had the same ratio of dwarf stars as in our galaxy, which is spiral-shaped. Much of our understanding of the universe is based on observations inside our Milky Way that are extrapolated to other galaxies.

But about one-third of the galaxies in the universe are not spiral but elliptical, and van Dokkum found they aren’t really made up the same way as ours.

Using the Keck telescope in Hawaii, van Dokkum and a colleague gazed into eight other distant, but elliptical, galaxies and looked at their hard-to-differentiate light signatures. The scientists calculated that elliptical galaxies have more of those dwarf stars — a lot more.

„We’re seeing 10 or 20 times more stars than we expected,” van Dokkum said. By his calculations, that triples the number of estimated stars to 300 sextillion from 100 sextillion.

For the past month, astronomers have been buzzing about van Dokkum’s findings, and many aren’t too happy about it, said astronomer Richard Ellis of the California Institute of Technology.

Van Dokkum’s paper challenges the assumption of „a more orderly universe” and gives credence to „the idea that the universe is more complicated than we think,” Ellis said. „It’s a little alarmist.”

Ellis said it is too early to tell if van Dokkum is right or wrong, but it is shaking up the field „like a cat among pigeons.”

Read more: http://www.cbc.ca

02/12/2010 Posted by | DIVERTSMENT | , , , , , , , , , , , | Lasă un comentariu