Cuvant despre noi, romanii

DEZVALUIRI WIKILEAKS:SUA a cerut ambasadei de la Bucuresti sa obtina datele biometrice ale liderilor romani.WikiLeaks ‘moves to Switzerland,’ back online

Image: Julian Assange


Scandalul Wikileaks: SUA a cerut ambasadei de la Bucuresti sa obtina datele biometrice ale liderilor romani

Departamentul de Stat american este interesat de „lideri si consilieri actuali sau emergenti” din Romania, potrivit unei note publicate de Wikileaks.

Departamentul de Stat american le-a cerut diplomatilor sai de la Bucuresti sa obtina date biometrice ale liderilor romani, potrivit unei note publicate de Wikileaks.

In plus americanii de aici urmau sa furnizeze informatii despre starea de sanatate a politicienilor de prima mana, despre situatia lor financiara, plus o caracterizare a fiecarui personaj din care sa reiasa calitatile si vulnerabilitatile acestuia.

Toate acestea se intamplau in anul 2009, cand la putere era alianta PDL-PSD. Toti cei care in acel moment ocupau functii de conducere in guvern, se incadreaza in tipul de solicitare al departamentului de stat. Parte din lucrurile solicitate sunt publice, precum declaratiile de avere. Insa „transferul datelor in strainatate se poate realiza numai daca exista o prevedere legala expresa sau un acord international ratificat de Romania”, potrivit autoritatilor. Multe altele nu sunt accesibile si astfel daca cei din ambasada ar incerca sa le obtina si-ar depasi atributiile.

Liderii romani nu sunt insa uimiti de aceasta poveste. Si totusi, solicitarile celor de la Washington ii mira pe specialistii nostri in culegerea de informatii.

Dupa ce Wikileaks a anuntat ca va continua seria de dezvaluri si va prezenta continutul telegramelor trimise dinspre Departamentul de stat american catre ambasadele Statelor Unite in lume dar si raspunsurile oferite de acestea, pagina de internet nu mai poate fi accesata. Proprietarul a mutat serverul in Cehia insa nici acum, site-ul nu este operabil.

In acelasi timp, se vorbeste despre iminenta arestare a detinatorului Wikileaks care a fost acuzat de savarsirea unor infractiuni cu caracter sexual.

Informatiile publicate de acest site au dus la demiterea sefului de cabinet al ministrului german de externe, dupa ce acesta a recunoascut ca a dat informatii confidentiale ambasadei americane, despre formarea noului cabinet Angela Merkel, sustine The Guardian.

Site-ul a inceput sa fie vizat de atacuri dupa publicarea celor peste 250.000 de note diplomatice americane clasificate, actiune considerata de Departamentul de Stat american drept „un atac la adresa comunitatii internationale”.

Vineri, 3 decembrie 2010

Sursa: agentia.org

WikiLeaks chief: Expect UFO talk in future files

In online chat, founder Julian Assange also discusses death treats and history’s judgment


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange held an online question-and-answer session Friday with the Guardian newspaper’s readers.

msnbc.com news services msnbc.com news services

updated 1 hour 36 minutes ago 2010-12-03

LONDON — WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said on Friday that there were some references to UFOs in „yet-to-be-published” confidential files obtained from the U.S. government.

He also said he and colleagues were aware of death threats following the publication of  diplomatic cables on their website.

„The threats against our lives are a matter of public record, however, we are taking the appropriate precautions to the degree that we are able when dealing with a superpower,” Assange was quoted as saying on the Guardian website.

Answering questions online, Assange also said that anyone making threats against his life should be charged with incitement to murder.

Britain’s Guardian is one of a number of newspapers around the world with early access to diplomatic cables seen by WikiLeaks.

The whereabouts of Assange, a 39-year-old Australian, are unknown, but some reports have said he is believed to be in southern England.

Swedish authorities said on Friday that information missing from a European arrest warrant they had issued against Assange for alleged sex crimes had been handed to British authorities.

„We sent it. They asked for complementary information and now they have it,” Swedish Prosecution Authority spokeswoman Karin Rosander said.

Crippling Web traffic
In his reponses on the Guardian’s online question-and-answer session, Assange described Pfc. Bradley Manning, who was detained in connection with the leaked documents, as an „unparalleled hero” — if it was he who leaked the cables to WikiLeaks, he said.

Video: WikiLeaks chief could be arrested today (on this page)

The Q&A session with was crippled at first by heavy traffic but it was not immediately clear if The Guardian newspaper website was under a denial of service attack.

The Guardian said on one of its Twitter feeds that readers should be patient because the website is under heavy visitor loads.

Assange has not made a public appearance in nearly a month, although he has spoken to journalists over the Internet.

Swedish authorities have issued a Europe-wide warrant for his arrest, while WikiLeaks has been forced to switch to a Swiss domain name after its American domain name provider withdrew service. Its sites have also been hit by denial of service attacks.

‘History will win’
„The Cable Gate archive has been spread, along with significant material from the US and other countries to over 100,000 people in encrypted form.

If something happens to us, the key parts will be released automatically,” Assange wrote in response to a question about the way material is distributed.

„Further, the Cable Gate archives is in the hands of multiple news organizations. History will win. The world will be elevated to a better place. Will we survive? That depends on you.”

Assange also addressed the attention he has been getting while the rest of his organization has remained largely anonymous.

„In the end, someone must be responsible to the public and only a leadership that is willing to be publicly courageous can genuinely suggest that sources take risks for the greater good,” he said.

„In that process, I have become the lightning rod. I get undue attacks on every aspect of my life, but then I also get undue credit as some kind of balancing force.”

Source: msnbc.msn.com

Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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