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New York Cops Unveil Iris-Scanning Technology

Mel Evans, AP

New York City police are using iris-scanning machines to determine the identities of criminal suspects. Police say the devices help ensure that suspects don’t assume false identities, but civil rights groups worry the machines could be invasive of privacy.

Poliţia din New York City foloseste dispozitive pentru scanarea irisului pentru a identificarea suspectilor.Poliţia declară că dispozitivele vor da siguranta că suspecţii nu îşi asumă identităţi false, insa grupurile pentru drepturile civile acuza ca aceste dispozitive ar putea fi utilizate in scopul invadarii  intimitatii cetatenilor.

Autoritatile din New York City si-au dezvaluit noua tehnologia de scanare oculara din dotare, creata special pentru a facilita depistarea infractorilor care isi asuma identitati false.

Poliţia din New York City a început folosirea acestor instrumente pentru a scana irisi de prizonieri pentru prima data luni, aceasta actiune fiind  parte a unor măsuri de siguranţă  menite să dea certitudinea  că persoanele suspectate care apar în faţa judecătorilor nu sunt identificate greşit.

Politia newyorkeza a decis sa demareze procesul de scanare a ochilor suspectilor, dupa ce doi detinuti acuzati de faradelegi grave au reusit sa scape din custodia fortelor de ordinefolosind numele unor suspecti acuzati de infractiuni minore.

Prin urmare, cel putin in Manhattan, clasicelor fotografieri si amprentari ale detinutilor li se va adauga si un proces de citire a irisului, efectuat cu ajutorul unui dispozitiv asemanator celor din laboratoarele oftalmologice.

Astfel, anterior infatisarii intr-o curte de judecata, suspectii retinuti vor fi supusi analizei oculare cu un cititor special (si mobil), capabil sa verifice identitatea unor persoaneprin compararea tiparelor unice ale modelului cromatic ocular cu fotografiile de inalta rezolutie obtinute in urma examinarilor precedente si stocate intr-o baza de date.

Oficialii din Politie sustin ca programul de 500.000 de dolari – ce va fi extins in mai multe regiuni din New York pana la sfarsitul anului – este o metoda eficienta de a preveni inselarea sistemului de catre infractorii potential periculosi.

Totusi, „cainii de paza” ai drepturilor civile acuza faptul ca aceste dispozitive ultramoderne de scanare oculara ameninta intimitatea cetatenilor de buna credina; mai ales ca, sustin aceiasi indivizi, noua tehnologie nu s-a dovedit cu adevarat necesara, eficienta din punct de vedere al costurilor, sau macar de incredere in identificarea suspectilor.

Sursa: AOL News

New York Cops Unveil Sci-Fi-Style Iris-Scanning Technology

(Nov. 16) – In Manhattan, police reports are becoming a little bit more like „Minority Report.”

TheNYPD unveiled iris-scanning technology on Monday designed to prevent criminal suspects from assuming false identities.

Authorities decided to start photographing suspects’ eyes after two detainees facing serious charges were able to escape custody during arraignment by using the names of suspects facing minor charges,The New York Times reports.

New York City police are using iris-scanning machines to determine the identities of criminal suspects. Police say the devices help ensure that suspects don’t assume false identities, but civil rights groups worry the machines could be invasive of privacy.

So now, alongside the standard mug shots and fingerprints taken after arrest, some Manhattan detainees will peer into a device that looks something like „an ophthalmologist’s eye machine,” according to The Wall Street Journal.Before facing a judge, suspects will gaze into the hand-held scanner, which is intended to double-check their identities by using high-resolution photographs to match unique patterns found in the colored parts of their eyes with images taken during an earlier examination.

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Police officials say the $500,000 program – which will be extended to New York City’s other boroughs before the end of the year – is a way to keep potentially dangerous suspects from beating the system. But civil rights watchdogs say the sci-fi-style eye-scanning devices could strip New Yorkers of their privacy.

Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York  Civil Liberties Union, says police haven’t proved that the eye scanners are necessary, cost-effective or reliable in properly identifying suspects.

„Whenever the police start collecting personal information and start putting it in a database, we become concerned,” she told the press.

Read more: The New York Times reports

Published: November 15, 2010

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